, buddy
i posted this with the hope of a dna follow up sorry @megachicken289
literally satan
YES! Because MRM is coming and it’s superior to FAF! I said what I said!
Like why did the UPDN make Black and Raw “Oranges”???
I feel like we’re going to need to rectify this. 3D printed using fuzzy skin setting and then flocked with tiny nylon fibers, like those used for the insides of jewelry boxes?
Seriously, I want a fuzzy yoyo now, the fuzzy skin “Weird Pal” can kinda scratch the itch, but we need something fuzzier!
We need MOAR FUZZ!
I like this. I’m definitely putting “fuzzy yoyo” on my vision board. Aka my pile of scrap paper notes.
I want a velvet YoYo’s like the sweets fuzzy
I’m aware Duncan did this some time ago with an imperial but trends cycle and I want one now
Actually fuzzy yoyo could be dope ngl lol no clank clank from 3a impacts
Same. Leaning towards a teddy bear theme.
fuzzy printed caps might be a cool entry point. glue some shag on there, or velvet, ooh maybe troll doll hair…
If I can’t comb it, I’m out
They said fuzzy, not hairy
I love the shag carpet idea. In like… grandmas carpet orange brown shag.