Gonna be weird trying to iron these onto some 3d printed yo-yos but my workshop is nothing if not weird.
I cannot wait to get home from work so I can take a picture of my old fuzzy yoyo.
Not in person. I nearly snagged one but when they dropped I was between jobs and couldn’t spend the money at the time.
I want to take a nap on it.
I feel like it would get gross really fast.
Very similar to what you’re thinking with the smiley faces. I don’t know who made this, it was in a box of random stuff someone sent me with a purchase a few years back.
Latest obsession: FLUFFY YOYO
I need all the fluffy yoyos…
Blocking the BST was the only thing that has helped me lol
Kind of. It’s March but I’m feeling quite sick and probably won’t get a video out for the event till the work week
Setting expectations one disappointment at a time
Lol that is you
Consider that lots of people genuinely like the DNA and think fingerspin are fun and cool. Even if just a joke, it’s not exactly funny to just have somebody regularly posting about how much they dislike something you personally enjoy.
It’s even more funny that anyone would get bent out of shape over a DNA meme. We don’t need humor police in the meme thread.
That’s what makes it DOUBLY funny!
Oh, I get it, and I don’t actually hate the DNA. I’m still working on my unresponsive DNA! It’s become more of an inside joke, though I can see your point.
I shall refrain from DNA jokes from now on. I mean, I’ve made more than enough of them already.