Ft/s: if you have my wants you can prolly get a TI Peak

New stuff!

Blue stuf

I don’t think I understand this…

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He wanted to trade because his had a little ti vibe. I obliged. Mine was not smoother than his but! When he swapped halves, he got a peak of the utmost smoothness, the likes of which he had never seen before.

So we half swapped!



I’ve found that all the TiPeaks I’ve handled (five of them) have varying amounts of fingernail vibe like many other titaniums. I bought one directly from CLYW that was A-grade and it had a hint of fingernail vibe that was no worse than Quinton’s.

I’m super picky about vibe and was hoping to find a glass smooth one. Surprisingly after I half swapped, I ended up with a super smooth one and another that was the same as before. I compensated Quinton for the hassle and kept the super smooth one. Quinton was patient and great to deal with and his TiPeak from a vibe perspective should be considered no worse than most of the others I have played which is zero vibe on string and just a hint on the fingernail.


Thank you for your insight, kindness, and the bump!

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I have bumps

Why were the halves swapped on the Ti Peak?

It’s all in the thread doc. :slight_smile:

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Upin ze postin

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