okay so here is most of my collection becuase i have yoyos coming in the mail and i dont use most of these so here it is
okay we will go from worst to best well 80 bucks would take em all except the protostar
duncan mosquitos modded-7 bucks takes em both
now is the duncan FHZ-10 bucks for this one smooth but idont like dunan
now is the duncan hyabusa-13 bucks shipped
now is the yomega fire ball-3 bucks plus shipping id throw this in if you bought two yoys from me id give it to you
now is the yyj xconvict was siliconed but i removed it and now its just o rings-20 bucks
now is the yyf protostar wich i love but if i get a good offer id let it go since it only has one scratch on it itll go for 30 bcuks and mabey a counter wieght
now for my fav and that would be the dingo and that would be 33 bucks
so here are my wants i would trade:
kyo dns
more protostars i want the yellow and gray one
cream would take all of em
and thats it well offer just no yyj unless the jamboo