Mint condition MCMO NYYC Edition- 115 shipped. Open to trades as well.

Also two Markmont Black Cannons. Take both for $75 shipped.


I’m sorry it’s not a buying comment. Does anyone know if there is another yo-yo has this "NYYC(?)"colorway?

Okay wow that MCMO color is incredible

I was trying to find info on this colorway a day ago when someone else posted. I didn’t find anything. I think the NYYC stands for National Yo-Yo Contest, so maybe this was a limited run mcmo for that event. Looks like saturday market but with red, white (clear), and blue. Id love to hear the actual story about from someone in the know.

Everyone keeps referring to this incorrectly, it is the NYYYC colorway, not NYYC. It’s a custom colorway that was produced by the New York yoyo club.

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Thought Yoyo was one word though? lol my bad

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I believe it’s abbreviated as NYYYC, mainly to avoid confusion with the National Yoyo Contest. I guess NYYC does the same thing, maybe because the technical proper way is hyphenated as yo-yo? Idk, just helping people know what the colorway is lol.


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