FS / FT selling/trading my near min GOLDERN FRANTIC come and have a look !!!

ok,so i got a near min GOLDERN FRANTIC for sell
plz refer to follownig pictures

as you see , the small scratch is very very very very… small,which totally doesnt affect the appearence nor the function

the frantic sleeps well and plays smooth as usual

please give your offer,by replying or pming ^ ^

thank you very much and happy trading

I would suggest removing the circle you made, or at least make it bigger on the last picture. Can’t actually see the scratch, I believe the circle’s blocking it. Just a suggestion. :smiley:

How much would you sell this for? I dont have any yoyo’s to trade because im starting a collection but i can buy it :smiley:

how much do u want for it


This thread is almost a year old. don’t get excited lol

…buzz kill…