Prices are shipped in the Conus. DM for more photos. Will do good bundle deals.
Looking For:
Nickel/Copper OneDrops
Benchmark 2013(O or V)
Benchmark 2014(O or W)
Have cash/the following for trade!
Magnolia(Mint): 80$
Custom Ano Pilgrim(Mint): 165$
For Trade only for now:
Nickel TopDeck(1 mark)
Nickel MMC(NQP comes with brass markmont SEs)
Sparrow(1 or 2 scuffs): 100$ SOLD
Liopleurodon(1 small pinprick): 75$ SOLD
Parlay(Mint): 75$ SOLD
Aotus(Mint): 130$ SOLD
Wraith(Mint): 80$ SOLD
Kuntosh 5000qv(Mint): 125$ SOLD
Peakhand(mint): 75$ SOLD
Ikimono Tomo(few pinpricks): 50$ SOLD
Spinkult Optima(Scratch or 2): 20$ SOLD