RecRev No.9 + LE Crucial Half & Half for only $95 shipped!
This is my version of the Bearing Removal Tool (BRT) or what I like to call the BRuTe. This is the steel version and features double- ended removal of 4 different yoyo bearing sizes of which include A, B, C and D sizes. One side removes A and D and the other side removes B and C. Very handy little tool to keep in your pocket or case.
*Durable Steel Construction.
*Removes 4 different yoyo bearing sizes in one convenient tool.
*Small enough to carry anywhere (less than 2.5 inches in length).
Only ONE is for sale right now but I will take pre- orders for more.
This one is $11 shipped and PayPal’d.
Prototype Steel BRT up for grabs!
Brute is gone! I’m taking pre- orders for more though. $11 shipped each.
Also, I have a mint ILYY Rocket (silver candyblast) for sale. $65 shipped.
did you dye the crucial? i thought they only came in white
Paul did a special run of dyed Half & Halfs for me.
Added ILYY Rocket and MMN for sale! $115 for both w/ 5 free custom G- strings!
can i trade my YYF 888 09 + YYF 44 for your marmot?i always dream of that,and im desperate now. see my BST thread maybe your interested thanks!
Rocket, No. 9, MMN and Half & Half are all that are up for grabs.
I will sell all 4 of them + a free 5 pack of custom G- string for $210 shipped!
I want! 
1 0f 1 Ricestacked Yuuksta, DM2, Legacy, 50 green strings, and 5 black strings for them?
I will give everything here to someone willing to go to their local Foot Action or Foot Locker and pick me up some Royal Blue Nike Foamposites in sz. 11.5 and ship them to me. I’ll throw in an Agape and a steel BRT as well!
whats the price 2 sell them seperate
Half & Half + No. 9 + Rocket for only $160 shipped!
Seperated I’d do:
No. 9- $50 shipped
Half & Half- $60
Rocket- $70
Only $150 shipped for the Half & Half + No.9 + Rocket + BRT!
Half & Half- $50 shipped
No. 9- $45 shipped
Rocket-- $55 shipped
Willing to trade if anyone is interested.