FS/FT: G2 Slingshot, TP Palp ES, Spingear Edition Werrd Pacquiao and more!

Posting some stuff I don’t throw as much anymore! Add $8 for shipping or see trade wants below.

Mowl Infiltrate - $35, bunch of small marks
Mazal Top Mentsch - $50, NMTBS with box
RecRev No. 9 - $50, NMTBS
CLYW Avalanche - $75, NMTBS with box
YYR Gleipnir - $140, couple pinpricks
TP Palpitation ES - $195, NMTBS
Werrd Pacquiao - Spingear edition, $75, NMTBS
G2 Slingshot - $120, NMTBS with box
C3 Sceptre - only parting with upon getting a Sceptre with red hubs, NMTBS

Some trade wants:
-Asteria Night Sky
-Chik or any OD with grooves
-C3 Halo and Sceptre with red hubs
-Oktave 2
-any RecRev except @, Sine//Saw and Silly Goose
-OYY Freq.mod
-Puffin 1
-Berserker or Krown SS
-Aviator 1 and 2
-Ares Star
-Offers! Looking for uncommon/unique stuff

Have cash and other stuff as well for trade wants!

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