Fs/Ft: bolt 2, etc. trade for: grandmaster, respawn, contact, etc

Have some throws up for trade. This is a collection clean up, so even if it’s super unfair towards me you get all three throws in the trade if it’s something I want :rofl:
Looking to trade for the following
Respawn: Halloween or unengraved
Clear ano float
Mk1 contact
Slim dunk
Unengraved mowl highwall
Ilyy blackbelt
Open to other offers of different Yoyos I haven’t tried. I like light Yoyos typically

For trade:
Bolt 2: NMTBS w/ cool box. Currently running full size bearing responsive

Keeping for now:Grasshopper Gtx: keeping for now

Keeping: Unspoken paradox

big home made fixed axle: it’s what it is.

I’ll sell the bolt for $53 shipped in the USA via PayPal goods and services

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pm sir



Bump up up uppp


Buy this dudes stuff! Great Shipper and Trader!

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PM sent

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