FS: Anti-Yo BSP, KYO etc

Been a minute but finally getting back around to these!

EDIT: Currently out of town for the next month or so. 1/5. Will edit once back.

I don’t know how my pricing is, if I’m way off let me know! I also don’t know what all these are, so am happy to entertain offers (if that’s allowed).

Please ask for additional photos if needed!

  1. Anti-Yo BSP Silver/Gold w/denim pouch $800 - Good overall conditions, shows some use
  2. Anti-Yo BSP Gold $600
  3. Kyo Tirade #006 $300
  4. Kyo Tiphiter II #037 $800
  5. YYF 888 $220
  6. Xcalibur $35

This is a quick draft. Will fix once I get back into town on Sunday!
Don’t know how accurate my pricing is currently will adjust accordingly.


What is the 4th one on the top row? Polished Cold Fusion?

Ill take the Gold and Silver BSP please :face_holding_back_tears:
sent ya message :man_bowing::pray: @WCMTWS


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