FS: 10% Goodies

All yoyo’s priced as shipped, CONUS.

Hummingbird - $150 (NMTBS)
DaVinci - $150 (NMTBS)
Klondike - $90 (play marks on rims, smooth)
Catch 22 - $300 (Mint) ($222 today only)

SOLD - Ti Respawn - $225 (Mint)
Sold - Bathy - $80 (Mint)
Sold - R-Type - $30 (NMTBS)
Sold - Paragraph - $30 (Mint)


Bump Edit 22.5

Hey brother - interested in respawn. Shoot me a message if still available please? This is a new account for me so can get references if needed :wink:

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Bump 22.

Bump 10% off.

Catch 22…. $222, today only.

Make some offers if you see anything you like. All will be considered.

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