Freehand Zeros Wanted

Looking for Original Freehands, Freehand Zeros, Freehand 2s, Hyper Freehands, Freehand Pros and new Freehands. Pretty much anything that I don’t have already. Special interest in getting Eric Wolff Organic and Exotic wood Zeros, the Glow Zero from another store (still eluding me), old II Zero, Save Deth, Pink Glitter Sakuro Zero, and Gyroscope Zeros in orange glow and black. Or any spectacular transitions, mods or painted versions. Click on the link to see some of the stuff I am still looking for …

Still looking for the ones mentioned above. Almost Halloween of 2018

David Hall


To post a link, just paste it in, or you can press the link button image in the toolbar :wink:

If you are a keyboard type of person you can press ctrl+k also. Press ? to see a list of all keyboard shortcuts.

Pasting an image link in on a line by itself will also show it in the post, as above.

Hope that helps!

Hey Dave! Good to see you here!

Can you give better feedback when you say what you can’t figure out how to post a link? Everything is pretty automatic (images auto embed if they are on their own line. Links automatically just link if you past them in!). :blush:

Cool you are still collecting too!

Hi Andre,

Sorry for posting negatives about your new board. I guess I’m just an old fart now and I don’t like change.

I’ll try to get back later and change that post.

David H


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