For sale/trade MCMO, Fat Tire, TMBR EH, Krom mini aluminum Kendamas

For sale and trade. All prices are best offer and shipped, PayPal FF only. I can get more pics or video upon request. Thank you for looking. For trades please see list below.

Mcmo black smoke mint in box $old

Fat Tire 20/20 blue mint in box $55

TMBR EH 2015 nmtbs $100

Krom mini aluminum Kendamas both mint in box $65 each

Trades I’m looking for

One Drops
Saturday Markets of the following models
Rev, 1to1, Par Avion, Kuntosh, Küntosh 5000QV, Virtuoso, Code1

Krakens any coloway but looking for following colorways
Everscream, Wall of Flesh, Ice, King Slime, Pumpking, Stardust Dragon, Meowmere, Skeleton Prime, Snow, Corruption, Surface Grass, Nickle

Any colorway as long as it’s mint
Dingo, Project, Project 2, Marquis, Chik, Code 2

Higby Gnome pink splash

Doc Pop Day Tripper Saturday Market or any colorway

Markmont MCMO Saturday Market


Mcmo is on hold until Friday 7/7.

Mcmo is sold

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