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Looking to trade for:

Saturday Market fat tire! And other fat tires(already have dragon slayer, manowar, feldspar, and new 2020 gray)

But mostly ods, got good trades if the throw is right

Od dragon slayers and man o war, show me what you got

David yoyos dreamland

Scuff or not mint dunk rebound any color preffered light color (for a project)

One drop saturday markets of rebirth, parlay, intro, panorama

Static unresponsive sudos

One drop side effects (energy domes, dietz, pegs, or antiyo)

Freshly dirty rooster

Freshly dirty cardboard steamboat

Check this post for what i have available for trade:


Bump it up also looking for dragon slayer models and man o war models

Bump wanted add modified. Saturday market fat tire takes it home for real!

Great seller and trader!