for sale only, yyf,yyj,OD,Crucial

Bring up thru bump. will do bundle deal avant cards and cash for a nice one drop or clyw

bump now accept paypal or if you want can mail but it’s at your expense

Bump added tons of new photos. and selling xbox games

Bump please buy these from me

Bump! Message me!

bump want yugioh cards gone now

bump dingo gone, bounty hunter in. possible trade on bounty hunter and psg

bump fiesta still pending

How much for Popstar?

bump classic gone

bump falcon and smooth move added

Bump styy addiction in the mail

Hey bro do you still have the fiesta? Or are you willing to sell it?

B is for Banana

bump sas gone

Hello this is yoyosensei. I have a C3 YoYoDesign Token. it is in almost perfect condition. It has no scratches or dents but the inner core is half stripped. the axle that comes with it is way too small. So you would need to spend like 2 dollars to get a bigger one. I am not willing to sell but i am willing to trade. Here is a list of things i would like to trade for: YYF Grind Machine, YYF Protostar, anything onedrop, clyw, or Recreational Revolution. I will not accept anything Yomega. If you want to tradre something that is not on this list then just reply and i will consider it. Thank you.

Sorry i didnt see the list of yoyos you had. I would be willing to trade for the YYF Popstar.

What does bump mean?

bump updated a lot of the pictures

put as post fixing dont offer these are gone