Final Price drop! Brand by new with box YYR GPPR! Get it today only for an absolute steal! 50% off retail price!after today I’m just gna keep it

Brand new with box green blasted
YYR- Gppr

This is my favorite yo-yo of the year so far. Same diameter as a wizard, feels amazing on the string, has the most satisfying binds I’ve ever felt. This is my duplicate. And I’m only selling it to get another one in a different color way!! Ha! So help a brother out. It retails at $113. I’ll mark this one all the way down to $75‼️ FREE SHIPPING! That’s almost a $40 discount. It’s completely brand new with box. Oh and did I mention it has one of the best blasted finishes I’ve ever felt!

Final price drop! Get this bad boy for the insane price of $65 today only! That’s 50% off retail! If it doesn’t sell today I’m just gna keep it. This is a ridiculous price. So today the only day I will have it up for this price. Get it while u can

Trust me, you want this Yoyo!

Lilith Cerakote Top Deck- only 30 units made, total forever. $120


Yes, yes I do. But my bank account says “hol up”

Bump for a beaut!

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Final insane price drop on the brand new GPPR. Take this baby home for $65 plus free shipping :person_facepalming:

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This is going away today?

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Yes if it doesn’t sell

Ohh man that’s hard to pass up

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Do it!

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Jump on it Cap! U won’t regret it. Please believe. The gppr is one of the best of the year and deserves to be sold out.

I’m literally selling this one so I can buy another one in a different colorway lmao

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GPpR Sold!! Thanks for looking guys :upside_down_face::saluting_face:


Ohh good someone saved me from myself lol. I saw your comment and that was all it was gonna take to pull that trigger.

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Lmao :rofl:

I still stand by my comment tho. I feel like I’m the only person who’s talked about that yo-yo and I don’t get why. The thing is so fun and chill and super comfy and satisfying to play

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Well, I would’ve bought it if it wasn’t already sold, lol