Epiphanion & Eihwaz by C3Yoyodesign! - Signature YoYo of William Chow!


In the realm of mid-sized full metal yo-yos, the Epiphanion from C3Yoyodesign embodies a perfect fusion of “weight” and “sharpness,” conceived by the talented designer William Chow.

The Epiphanion delivers a play experience that is both robust and rigid. This sensation of heftiness is meticulously crafted to cater to the demands of “Gocha-kei” or “messy” play, characterized by rapid and repeated mounting and bouncing.

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As the yo-yo transitions directions, its weight distribution imparts a sharpness that seems to propel it forward with remarkable autonomy.

Team Member William Chow and C3yoyodesign, introduces the bimetal signature yo-yo, “Eihwaz”! This yo-yo is the bimetal counterpart to “Epiphanion,” both masterminded by William.

Sharing nearly identical shapes, the main contrast lies in their construction: “Epiphanion” is monometal, while “Eihwaz” boasts a bimetal design.

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Crafted with competition in mind, “Eihwaz” prioritizes extended spin times and enhanced stability. The latest iteration of “Eihwaz” showcases increased speed without compromising stability, offering precision control and the ability to halt at any desired position.


Too long enough, jeez. The yoyo released last year.

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already here? jeez! glad it made it :))

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Aww yeah baby time to spend an exorbitant amount of money on c3 yo-yos I don’t need!

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It’s a great yoyo. Get the black one.