Dream Job?

We all have one! What would your dream job be? and why?

Mine would definently be an actor. I really enjoy bringing life into characters, and the stage is where I love to be. It’s always fun, and actors are my preffered people.

Can we post two?

Either a seiyu or voice actor for a popular shonen manga. That would be pretty sweet.
Or, something related to crime/law. Like a detective/crime scene investigator. Wow, big contrast. :stuck_out_tongue:

I always wanted to be a comedian.

How can you be a va for a comic? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I would love to be a Pro Yoyo Demo guy, that would be sweet. Just travel the world and yoyo.

I would also love to teach high school history, which is what Im working on now

Well, they sure don’t draw the voices in. :wink:

I meant anime. :stuck_out_tongue:

I want to play french horn in an orchestra

I’ve always wanted to be a social loafer and leach on sociey :o

Seriously though, when I was a kid all I ever wanted to be was a Vet but when I realized that I would have to put down animals I realized it wasn’t for me. I think what I do now is the perfect job (Real Estate Hedge Fund) for me as it gives me a lot of freedom to get things done the way I want to and I get to travel when/where I want.

Mine would be to be on Top Gear. ;D
As the presenter.

you have to be crazy, goofy, off topic, daring, out of shape, and be British. You can change all of those except the British part

Lawyer. Just want to be one. :stuck_out_tongue:

on the note of Top Gear, since I had no idea what it was, I looked it up and guess what I found?


Own and run a chocolate shop. ;D

I love you.
So much.

Money pooper. My job would be to poop money. I get to keep all the money I poop. Because I am a money pooper.


Time Traveler. Dinosaur Farmer. Owning the zoo that is in the book “If I Ran the Zoo”.

Airforce Pilot or something to do with explosions.