F&F preferred - anything under 50.00 add 6.35 for shipping .
Duncan case - would let the whole case go for 475.00 shipped anywhere in the USA
G2 case
Caribbean Sea Life - glitch - 130
Caribbean Sea Peli - 110.00
SL1000 - Proto - 1/8 (I believe) - SOLD
Quake - one small ding - SOLD
AL7 SS - amethyst - some marks on the rim from case - 105.00
Decade - SOLD
Casefile 003 - glitch - one ding - 120.00
Andromeda - W0LF - glitch - 130.00
Misc case
Thesis Aventus - 55.00 - has some vibe
Oxygen Syzgen - 220.00 - could use a new bearing ano on or of the titanium rings has faded
Something speeder - couple - flat spots on the rims 58.00
Prohibition - speakeasy - 55.00
Turning Point - solonoid splash - 105.00
Top Deck - SOLD
Duncan Freehand Sakura - 80.00
Terrarian - 55.00
Dgtzr - 35.00