does anyone have any 3A tutorials? I am just starting 3A and I really need some tutorials. not downloadable ones I mean actual tutorials.
Well… - Ken's World on a String - Yo-yo tricks for beginners made simple and easy (Off string, freehand, picture, etc.) has some…
Assisted Brain Twister:
Blue Line Roll:
Double Boomerang:
Buckets O-Kink:
Gun Slinger:
Kink Fu:
Two Hand Dizzy Baby:
Two hand Plastic Whip:
Two hand Trapeze:
Velvet Rolls:
The best ones i could find on the internet ;D
those are download I believe.
¿??¿ What on earth are you trying to say?
did you even go to the website?
They stream it like youtube. You can download them as well. I don’t think you went there lol.
oh, I went there I have known of Bgin2spin for a while. and the streaming videos don’t play for me. ( i have tried it too so don’t say I didn’t.)

those are download I believe.
¿??¿ What on earth are you trying to say?
did you even go to the website?They stream it like youtube. You can download them as well. I don’t think you went there lol.
oh, I went there I have known of Bgin2spin for a while. and the streaming videos don’t play for me. ( i have tried it too so don’t say I didn’t.)
Sorry I don’t think there are any good 3a tutorials out there lol