do you like my sidecaps?

anyone play Little big planet?

not that impressive


you’re friggin awesome.

WHOA… How? Unfortunately, I can’t appreciate the art because I have no idea what it is… but it’s still a great mod!

Those look great!

thanks guys!!!
Batryn - its called a sackboy and its from a game called ‘little big planet’ on playstation 3

And so do these…

I love’em.

Here ya go. All you need to do is get the image code at the bottom of the pic then your pointer is on it.
Click and it will auto copy.

Looks good.

thanks icthus,
heh there fun to make jhb

I can’t take the credit for those.
They were a special gift from jrodriguez!!!

ahh good ole jrod

Glad you’re liking those jhb8426. I’ll say it again, even though I know you’ll ignore me - those go best in a Lyn Fury. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I know. I just like to torture myself.

if anyone want me too make a peticular side cap to see what it would look like on an x-con let me know. just say some thing to put on my side cap and i’ll do it