Deviant+ vs Spotlight Ultra

I’m finally giving in to the mono metal 5a propagandists, and I’ve found 2 that really appeal to me.

  • Deviant+
  • Spotlight Ultra
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I’ve not tried the Deviant+, but I really like my Spultra. It definitely has a very solid feel on the string, more than the weight and size combo would suggest. But it performs great and is very stable. The extra width is enough to make hops and risky moves noticeably easier to land, and it feels extremely controllable and punchy in play. While I’m not much of a competitor, if I were to get on stage this would probably be the yoyo I would pick from my collection.

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I own both. The Spultra feels great, is made of an extremely durable 7068 aluminum(I have dinged mine so many times and it is still working just fine), has more spin power than you would imagine from the shape, and is great for finger grinds and thumb grinds.

The Deviant plus has a wider catch zone, is great for horizontal, and has more spin power in my opinion than the Spultra(I won a long sleeper contest with the Deviant+).

Based on one of your previous posts I would recommend the Deviant+ due to its width. I love both and I can’t vote for both but those are my thoughts.

P.S. If you get the Spultra I would recommend the Podium Edition. It is well worth the extra 10 dollars in my opinion.