Deep State Colorways

So I saw the Morning Glory cw on the One Drop webpage looks almost like Michigan blue on the Deep State , but looking on YYE it’s a lighter pale blue. I know the amount of “splash color” would be different. Does anyone have anything in the Morning Glory cw, and could you post pics? ( any pics of the Deep State are welcome just to compare colorways )

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I dunno but I can get behind this 2-tone! :+1:t3:


One I have thought about for sure !

@YoYoExpertGarrett any info from y’all?

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Not sure about Michigan Blue, but hope this helps. :grin:


Is that yours or did you pull it off the shelf? Lol I know I am going to have to jump on one soon.

I guess it just looks darker via their camera


Just pulled it off the shelf, that dark blue in their pic is definitely different. Colors are not 100% consistent between runs, so it could be a newer/older run than what we have in stock currently. @da5id can probably shed some light on which it is.

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Every run turns out a bit different. I’m not sure in this case what is what though.


I had no clue you were on here! Thank you guys again.