Conner spring 2010: A Yo-Yo vid

If your asking if I’m in Southern California, I have to say no :frowning: kinda wish I lived in California, though. I nailed my first Double-laceration on Vacation in California. And I couldn’t do any whips/slacks/lacerations at the time, so I figure California must have some magic Yo-Yo Force field lolz. Plus I met a Duncan pro in California so that just about sums it up. But yeah, I live in Texas :stuck_out_tongue: And I won’t be at BAC this year.

Darn well maybe in the future…

Yeah I hope so. BTW I’m already working up tricks for my next vid.

LOL exactly a year ago my best trick was the Wrist-mount ::slight_smile:


Nice vid. man. Your really good on a Dark Magic.

nice :smiley:





what are the names of those 2 tricks and a tut would be nice

That’s tight!!! 8) :smiley:

Everything is mainly stuff I made up.

pretty awesome!

My mistake Conner my dad forgot to clean the computer and when he did I saw your vid again and actually it wasn’t that fast at all. JK great vid and again my apologies. Plz forgive me.

It’s fine lol

this was amazing. loved the editing and the tricks! :slight_smile:

first time i saw this vid or post so meh. on. you.

any 1 knows ??? ??? ??? ?

Those tricks are originals by me. Nobody knows how to do them.

Except, well…me XD

niceeeeeeeeee if thats only 1 year and a half i can’t wait for that i ain’t stoppin now no matter how gay my friends think yoyoing is!!! but very niceeee

Thanks :slight_smile: I’m planning on making a new vid soon.