CLYW Avalanche F/T

OK Guys, I’m posting my CLYW Avalanche just to see if i can get what I’m looking for, or to see what other goodies come my way. This post is F/T Only for now, maybe F/S in the future… I’m mainly looking for Other CLYW throws to trade for this, unless an amazing deal pops up. I’m definitely NOT in a hurry to get rid of this thing, but who knows, I may jump to a deal if a good one comes along. Anyway, here are the pics:

-Wooly Marmot (Red, Hopusan, Team Edition, Polar Berry, or 28S)
-Peak (Elliot Jackson Edition Only)
-Sasquatch (Special Editions)
-Gnarwhal? Maybe if you add something.
-One Drop/CLYW Markmarmot
-SPYY Punchline (Blue/Gold or Green/Blue)
-Special Edition Skylines (Maybe)

Thanks for Looking Guys!

mint superwide silver g5 with z stacks and comes with clear hubs and x convict 1st or 2nd run idk and possibly a yuuksta instead iof the x con