CLYW - Arctic Circle - Blizzard

^Vote in the poll above, or comment. Which side of the Arctic Circle looks better?
ArcticCircleblizzard by TotalArtist Yoyos, on Flickr

Dead even? :-\ Nah…

Just for you I’ll break the deadlock.

Right Wintery mix coming form the Right down side

But the wrong side pulled ahead…I was leaning left. :smiley: Just kidding, that’s okay, I love them both actually, just like more blue so I went for the left side. :wink:

That does look like a wintery mix…pretty in that way.


Uh oh, right side is gaining on us.


left, the acid wash in the center reminds me more of icy winter winds on this side

Right I love the bleach effect

how many yoyos do you own I own like 5

An estimated 200. My YYE colored ones make up at least 50 of them.

Tomorrow, I’m going to post a totally different blizzard Arctic Circle…same exact colorway though.

I’m loving the right myself.

Yeah it would be a shame if you were loving the wrong yourself…

I’m ashamed…


Right, I like the white ish rim

