I might add more stuff soon. For now here is the update. If you buy multiples I cut deals
Bump. Added clyw BOY
One of my favorite china made clyw
Flash sale- my this i mean im only selling this Tishee this cheap for a particular reason. Im pulling it down later if it doesnt sell .
Raw Tishee # 116 near mint. Couple marks on the raw Ti. It is how it cane to me. With box. SOLD
damn, that was a great price for the TiShee @FrankieJR
Im glad it sold as fast as it did. I wanted the money quick for something lol
Bump. 2evil and pixelape sold
Ape-x gone. Bump
Bump. All that is left is the BOY…
Can someone close this please. Ill make a new listing when i can pick up more shipping supplies
@vegabomb would you mind good sir
Buy this BOY. I don’t want to spend money I don’t have on it