Cell phone game app grief

Phone: Moto E (Android - Ver 10 )

Howdy all…

So I’ve got this Game App I’ve been playing and its cool an all that…but the problem is that whenever the lock screen comes on…and I swipe to get back into the phone…the game app activates/loads up. This happens whether I’ve been last using the game last or not.

This means that everytime I have to use the phone or another one of its apps and the lock screen has been on… I have to close out the game. This is really problematic because sometimes Im in a real rush.

Im posting this here bc my good friend Google cant seem to find me a fix and I cant find any indicator in the game app or the phones settings to undo whatever is making this happen.

I know theres lots of smart people here. Hoping one of you can help.


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What game app is it?

Have you tried deleting it and reinstalling it?

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Its called Hay Day. Basically its a farm building game.

…and yes I did do that…and I had to start the whole game all over again…back to level 1.
…and it still happens. Geezzz.

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do you have any other games?
Another game might be causing it

I know Supercell’s support teams are great at trying to resolve bugs.

I have some contacts in their team so feel free to shoot me a DM if that doesn’t work :slight_smile:

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Thank you RaRa.
I will check into that ASAP.

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Did you unknowingly bind a shortcut to open the app?

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pls elaborate. Im not sure what youre asking. did i do what ?

thank you for your help and reply

I feel like you must somehow be opening the app by accident as you close the phone and then find it open when you unlock it. It happens literally every time?

Some phones you can bind opening an app to a button press or gesture, so I was thinking that may be what’s going on inadvertently.

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m kinda sorta getting what you’re saying but not a 100% so what I did was remove the game apps icon from the …ummm…“desktop” of the phone…in case Im accidentally touching something while unlocking the phone.

We’ll see how that goes.