california+cookies= peak new video here is my new video. comments appreciated. enjoy!

I liked it. :] Nice vid. Keep up the good work.

thanks! any more comments/

Your getting better and better with every new vid! Just keep practiceing so that your tricks and flow smoother.

Wowza dude.
You progress and learn SO MUCH with every vid. I’ve barely made any progress at all…

thanks guys!!!

are you using a 888

Good video, but your equation doesn’t quite add up.

I need to make a video soon.
Your equation does make sense only if the cookies are raisin, and california stands for canada and texas together on one border. And by peak you mean the top of mount everest, in your underpants, hula-hooping, and cranking a box that makes sound of which a monkey dances to.

Nice vid, really liked it! :slight_smile:

thanks guys!!! and It is a califronia ;D