Buy the brand new nicky joyride for $45 get the mint koi for free!

All three yo-yos are like new! As close to brand new as it can get. Will do all three of them plus 25pack of p44 gold medium rayon poly
25pack of p44 mint fat poly-nylon
$150 shipped!

Parlay and string sold
Will be adding a new throw soon.

Take the joyride for $45 and get the koi for free!!

Add +$5 shipping



Price dropped on the parlay, koi and joyride bundle from $150 to $140.

Will listen to offers

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Man I wish I had money. I don’t and won’t for a bit but that’s an insane deal for some awesome organics



Buy the joyride for $45 get the koi for free! Both mint with box

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