Breaking: Roronoa Zoro wins 3A Division Using Innovative «Joe Mama»–Style

Got ‘em

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Oh man the last two were really good.

This thread is aging like a fine wine… or something like that.


sorry idk if im supposed to make a comment so this gets bumped because editing the title did not appear to bump it

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Took me a second to realize it was that thread lol
I didn’t read the title closely enough it seems :woman_facepalming:

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New MC one got me :frowning:


Some admin pls promote me back to regular so I can have fun :frowning:

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Me too.
I was so excited.

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I have been fooled

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Ok. this one’s … lol i guess?

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This is the type of edit that will get your privileges revoked


oh wow

Alright, whoever made the last edit is being real cheeky. This is what can start a forum riot. :joy:

My thought exactly

Can’t believe that one got me. GG.

yup :rofl:

It’s not a good look either. What if a new member sees it or a non-member just browsing and asks why they aren’t seeing the 60% discount or asks Andre why they are closing.

I’m going to edit it to get it outta here.

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What did it say?

it said that the clothing in yoyoexpert was closing and that there was a 60% discount on all