Big Yoyo String T-Shirts + Hoodies!

Hey everybody, guess what!?! We got our T-Shirts and Hoodies (Zip-Up!!) selling them to the open public!! The T-Shirts have the logo in the upper left corner, very professional looking and not too “in-your-face”. The hoodies have the logo in the upper left, but then in the back it is an 11"x11" logo in the center. They both look pretty great!

Hoodies are $40 and Shirts are $15

Here are the sizes we have left:

2 Smalls
1 Medium
3 Larges
3 XLs

1 Small
1 Large

Can’t wait to see them! For sure rocking one at my next contest! :wink:

1 Like

I might buy one they will look great!

I don’t know prices yet, I just want a tally of who all is interested

well you found one person


