znin: I had a Token, too. I will relent on this one. That Token was really tough to deal with. I don’t think the aluminum was even 6061… it was some sort of soft stuff, and it really WAS tough to deal with that short axle.
But still, I never stripped mine. And most people complaining don’t have a Token or I would have taken note and told them to be extra careful with that one!
My Token is still in fine shape although we have had a few returned with stripped axles. I’m usually able to fix the majority of them with a larger axle - YoYoJam Axle 5/6 or CLYW Long Axle will work perfectly when cut down to size.
About bearings, I pretty much just leave therm alone. Heck, to be honest, I don’t really even part attention to what bearings in my yoyo (unless its a kk or something like that) when my bearings do get noisy though, I put a small drop off yyj thin lube.
My brother’s had a supernova for over two years. He unscrews it really often to untie knots, never had a problem with striping the yoyo