Bearing seat measurements

I’m trying to model a yoyo, and I’ve hit a wall. I don’t know the sizes of the bearing seats, response grooves, ect, if someone could give me some info is greatly appreciate it. I wanna use One Drop’s Flow Groove pads and a B.O.S.S. Rage bearing. I’ve been measuring my G2 Marvel but I can’t get really accurate measurements. If you guys could even have a model of a bearing seat that would be awesome! Thanks!

There’s been a bunch of threads asking this exact question and the answer is always the same - If you can’t measure a bearing seat then it’s probably too early for you to design a yo-yo.

You can pick up a pair of digital calipers on amazon for around $15.

If you have Autodesk 123d, you can download this file. It is for a legitimate bearing seat.

However, you should still get a caliper and measure one out yourself so you can make your own how you prefer.

I actually just made a video tutorial about making a yoyo in CAD and I uploaded some files that already have bearing seat measurements on them. I talk about it in my thread on 3D printing a yoyo if you are interested.