Awesome Yoyoing Info...

:)… Hey guys, Yoyofreak21 here, I am trying to get up to 100 subs by the end of May … Plz help out and sub me… Any1 who subs gets a free sub back… ( im talking about on Youtube) My User is : Yoyofreak21…

Also… If any1 is going to Mid-West Reg. tell me… Me and my friend Matt really wanna go…




Thanks… Need all the help i can get… ;D

You have good potential! Subbed!

My acc:

What does subbing even mean!

(yes i’m a noob :-[)

Subbing Means Clicking the Big Yellow Button on the top of the persons Channel on Youtube… Then once you sub them… Whenever they make a new video… Itll tell u i made a new vid…


p.s. Plz sub me… :smiley: