Auction site annoyance

I know I am just belly aching here, but holy cow has the big auction site become the most frustrating thing to navigate. 13.83 white “retro” style yoyos have made searching for new listings one of the most frustrating things in the world! Props to all those who are dedicated enough to scroll forever through them, I can’t it is driving me a bit batty lol. That’s all just thoughts for the day, well wishes to all!



Someone mentioned in another thread that the seller is in the UK, so searching US only listings will get rid of them. Would lose listings in other countries as well.

I noticed they all have “retro” in the title, so you could exclude that word in advanced search.

It is dang annoying.

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Also search for “Yoyo -cola - Russell - yy0000 -yy0001”
It’s yy0001 or something like that most of them have that in their title.
Hope that helps.

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You can filter out sellers in the advanced search., you have to scroll way down to see the option. Set it like this and it will hide all those listings: