Are yoyo prices justified?

I like simplicity. I may do a wide array of very complex things, but in the end, it mostly comes down to “know where your signal is and know your signal flow”. Yoyo isn’t a whole lot different, but aiming it sure is!

I think I’ve bought enough to know what I like, and enough to know what is or isn’t priced right. Regardless of my opinion, it is only my opinion, and right or wrong, it is my opinion and I am entitled to it, be it right or wrong.

Many of us desire the “finer things in life” when it comes to our choices of yoyos. I remember starting out thinking why would anyone want to pay more than $20 for a yoyo", and then I’m buying a DM2 and well, it made sense. And then onto used metals, used plastics, new metals… and at that point it’s all over the place.

A lot of us are spending $100+ on a yoyo and thinking little of it as far as the price. I’m not saying we’re wealthy or anything, but we’re spending within our means, and we are not sitting around whining about what things cost. However, I like the fact that because I DO spend it, others can try the stuff before they decide to make the plunge and see if they would or would not be making the right decision. Expensive mistakes suck, no two ways about it.

So, let me examine some things:
I know the Yeti is a hotbed topic right now. I’ve played one. Do I feel it’s worth the $55 I spent to have one sent to me from Canada? No. Yet, I spent it. So, there ya go. My entire argument is crap. Regardless of what I think its worth, I doubt any of that will have any impact of my enjoyment of this yoyo in any way, shape or form. This will be a recurring theme here, so get used to it.

I feel One Drop has done one of the best jobs of matching their yoyos price to performance, yet still under-pricing their yoyos in my opinion. I always want to get value for my dollar, and One Drop consistently delivers what I want at a price I like and I still always end up feeling that they could be charging more.

I’ve grown to accept that CLYW is over-priced. I feel they shouldn’t be charging more than $120 at most, but again, that’s my OPINION. But, when I get them in my hands, the price is typically justified. I feel that if I compare them on a price/performance like I do with One Drop, I feel One Drop has a better ratio. I feel I’m getting more yoyo for my money with One Drop than I do with CLYW. I do like CLYW and will continue to support this brand. I do feel I am still getting my money’s worth and then some. Since I can’t buy a hard number on the cost of fun and enjoyment, I feel that if I just look at those arbitrary numbers, then the price of the yoyo is really irrelevant and is merely to facilitate commerce.

Some yoyos sell for stupid-cheap. RecRev comes to mind as an entire brand that’s this way.

The Anglam and 3Yo3 are my big-ticket items, and while I still wish both costs a ton less, my enjoyment says that the prices are perfectly fine.

Really, my issues crop up when I run into yoyos that I simply don’t care for. I’ve been lucky that I haven’t had to buy any like this. Sadly, they are YYF’s. Because I didn’t care for those models, which were items I was actually highly interested in, it really skewed my perception of them when it comes to what is being charged for them. Because I didn’t enjoy them, I wouldn’t want to waste even a penny on them. That doesn’t mean the yoyos were inferior in any way. What it means is that due to my lack of enjoyment, I couldn’t justify the prices that YYF charges for them.

I’m not going to go into the business details in very granual terms. Plastic yoyos need molds made for injection molding. These molds aren’t cheap. Metal yoyos need machining time and metal tubes to machined down into yoyo halves. Someone has to design the stuff, someone has to program the stuff, someone has to test the stuff and someone has to say what’s good and what’s not so good. Axles cost money, bearings cost money, and responses cost money and/or time. Anodizing costs, as does shipping back and forth. Someone has to assemble and test this stuff. There are administrative fees. Depending on the company, equipment and facilities have leases. People gotta get paid. Nothing is free.

Keep in mind I can be just as happy with that expensive yoyo as I can with an upgraded Classic. Maybe I have no concept of value. Maybe I’m too obsessed with having fun.

Money lets me get the yoyo. What’s more important is the fun and enjoyment I get from it. Playing it, photographing it, posting the photos, sharing it with others. It’s hard to put a value on what a yoyo brings to me. It far exceeds what I paid for it.

I guess what it comes down to is:
If I like it, it’s justified.

I still reserve the right to state I feel something should sell for more or less than it sells for.

This guy knows what he’s talking about. Listen to him.

I love the tennis comparison. I play tennis, and I’m pretty good at it, and I notice very distinct differences in each racquet. But back when I wasn’t so great, I could still play and keep a rally, but I just wasn’t that great. Back then I couldnt really tell that much of a difference between racquets. But as I got better hte difference I noticed became greater. I guess that’s the same with yoyo.

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Studio I definitely agree I OD’s prices. They price very honestly and fairly. You get the right yoyo for the right price.

Agreed. Fantastic quality at great prices. The Chik is easily one of the best bang-for-your-buck metal yoyos I’ve ever played.

I would have to agree with that statement. I bought a Chik with the intent of giving to someone as a gift, and after throwing it for a few minutes found myself buying another gift to replace the Chik so I could keep it. :wink:

For the price, it kicks it. ;D

IMO once you get past a certain point, you’re not paying for a better yoyo, yore paying for a brand (excluding exotic materials).

I think YYR sold the Dazzler for $250 less than it cost to produce. They are making up the profits on strings.

Same thing as a PS3. :wink:

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Yoyos and the fleeting turnover of companies and artists that make them are an art. I would not say that they’ve captured the imagination and business indulgence as say high-brow impressionist art trade that we see with Van Gogh and Picaso, but the beauty is in the eye of the beholder… and that with the biggest pocket.

Honestly, I can’t imaging how most of these companies make much money at all. I’ve made passerby attempts to try to guess how much the high end companies make and I’m not sure my initial math made sense as to why they even do it. Plus, it is so easy for patents to be violated as reverse engineering is fairly easy to do… why bother with patents to protect your hard engineering work. My guess is the love of the sport. I can dig on that.

At the end of the day, I appreciate the expensive and cheap throws that I own. I love some cheap throws because their fun and cheap. I love the expensive throws because the engineering, Quality Control, anodized art will be a treasured Picaso I’ll have for a lifetime to come.

Can I see a difference between a $15 cheap throw and a $145 expensive throw? Yes. Is it worth it? Only to me. Find your own path.

I’ve always thought YYF was a little overrated especially their more expensive throws like the Avant Garde and MVP. I much offer a YYJ than YYF. The Summit really good I didn’t get one because I spent my money on a puffin which I think is very well priced. You can’t judge a Yoyo by it’s price tag I tend to judge by what it’s good for (grinds, horizontal, technical tricks, etc.,) like right now I like grinds, technical tricks, and undersized to midsized throws and I don’t like rejections or flashy tricks. The price you pay won’t be the performance you get, kind of like when I was beginner and couldn’t even bind yet I wanted to get an Avalanche but the guy that taught me kept on dismissing that saying no. I now realize that just because it has that $100+ price tag didn’t mean it was going to make me the best yoyoer in the world it’s what you do with it that does. I tend to think of Ann Connolly and how she turned a $10 Yoyo into a pretty stable throw just by her skill level not by the center trac, not by the shape, not by the response, and not by string but by the knowledge and skill she had.

For those of you looking for the right term, its diminishing return.

I’m gonna say as someone newer to the yoyo world, the cost can only be justified on an individual basis like many people are saying.

Do I necessarily LIKE spending $100+ on a yoyo/toy? Not really, but I do play with it a lot and it’s worth it to me.