Are yo-yo video reviews useful?

My unpopular opinion for yoyo reviews or yoyo youtubers is:

You should be a semi-skilled player if you’re doing reviews on YouTube. There are many youtubers who aren’t that skilled but are popular and do lots of yoyo reviews. And those people are generally the ones that are just making the very general points on a yoyo as Durfee states.

I know it has to do with the level of the average viewer. The new and more casual players and more basic, broad reviews will be more popular than the more technical reviews by more skilled players because that’s just the majority of the population, for anything. This is the case for many other hobbies as well. I’ve noticed the people with the largest fan bases for many hobbies are generally the ones that aren’t actually super knowledgeable or technical because that stuff appeals more to the very casual people watching which is larger than the niche population that actually care more about the craft