How did having my own harmless opinion on the matter invalidated your opinion or directly refer to you? Did I miss something lol….
In fact I did not even read others responses before giving my outlook on the topic, just participating in the discussion
I’m not sure how else to interpret the quoted text except as a direct dismissal of what “people”, like me, “will tell you or you might believe”.
I’m so confused about the level of offense being taken to a difference in opinion on bearings, hey man I don’t know maybe you misunderstood my post but it wasn’t meant in any type of “dismissive” way, enjoy your night friend
LMAO I cringe every single time someone posts a flat vs centering bearing topic cause they ALWAYS end the same way
Haha I should’ve known better
It wasn’t the mere fact that a different opinion was offered that touched a raw nerve in me. It was the phrase/wording used. This subject has come up many times over the years, and there is always a group of self-appointed authorities who want to downplay the phenomenon that many players experience with flat bearings, heavily implying (or nearly outright saying) that it is all just imagined or being wildly exaggerated for reasons I can’t fathom. It is insensitive at best and condescending at worst. You may not have intended for it to come out that way, but the particular wording you chose unfortunately delivered it that way nonetheless.
You’ve clearly made up your mind to be offended about this… Yoyo is something fun, it’s alright not to agree with everyone no worries, I’m in no way an offensive or aggressive person so this whole interaction is very bizarre to me right now. Let’s just let it rest, like I mentioned it’s okay to have differing opinions that why the original poster created the thread.
I feel the biggest difference between flat and concave with the Top Deck. With a concave, you can smack it and it’ll stay on plane. With a flat, there’s considerable tilt. Some throws I can barely feel a difference with a flat though. Maybe the extreme rim weight is causing the precession.
That very well may be.
That’s why earlier I said it probably depends on the yoyo being used (along with the experience level of the player). Yotricks mentions this phenomenon in their description of their VIP bearings and the reasoning behind their design. But they don’t go into detail about which of their own models would magnify or minimize the effect.