Anyone having trouble seeing the forums on some devices today?

Around 10:00 this morning when I was using my iPhone the Forums just showed up as a gray screen. I tried to open the Forums on my laptop using Google Chrome and just got a white screen. The Forums still just come up as blank screens on those things. I am using a different laptop and a Foxfire browser and the Forums show up. Has anyone else had a problem or still having a problems with certain devices? Has anyone had this problem in the past or have a tip to solve it? I am active here because of the ease of using my phone. It can’t just be me having the problem…

Battery saver mode on phone activated?
Auto blacks my browser to conserve energy.

Might just be a random glitch. Clear cache… etc etc.

No issues this end.
Might be Apple have sent Order 66 to your handset and it’s forced upgrade day :joy:

Good luck dude!


every website I visit regularly works fine as does everything else on the phone - I did restarts, cache clears, etc. YYE home page works fine but the forum comes up as a blank white page / screen under the navigation bar. Oh, well. scrolling here is such a pain on a laptop as well as an inconvenient method and it’ll limit my time here, maybe the problem will go away

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Quick thought. I’m sure you tried it but just incase… Desktop mode.
Press that options and request desktop site…
Sorry if you have tried this.
We need our resident artist at hand 24/7 :+1:

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Are all the devices on the same network, including the one that works?

What happens when you go to another Discourse forum like: ?

Is there an iOS update for your iPhone?

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The site will not open on my phone either. Just a totally white screen except for the navigation bar. I cannot click on the desktop mode because there is nothing on the screen. It’s not the end of the world. I have a laptop but using the forums on my phone helped me keep up on what people are posting pretty quickly. Using a laptop to read the forums is like driving a bulldozer to go to the gas station for a bottle of Diet Coke. Plus, posting photos will be a huge pain. I have no idea what the problem is

weird that everything ELSE on the phone works perfectly normal except the forum…

If I read correctly, you have an iPhone and a laptop that are having the same issue, with another laptop that’s just fine. The fact two devices started having the same problem at the same time leads me to believe there may have been an update to discourse that your devices didn’t like. Maybe there are updates you need to install. Maybe you need to sacrifice a small animal to the fickle technology gods. That’s my stab in the dark guess without having access to the devices.

@codinghorror might have some insight.


Yesterday morning I was on the forum using my iphone and everything was fine. A couple hours later I was getting a blank screen so I tried on my laptop and got the same blank screen. I am now using the forums just fine on a laptop my dad gave me a few years ago. I think it’s just that my phone stopped allowing the loading of discourse tech stuff I do not understand. loads but does not load and gives me the same totally blank screen. Oh, well. I keep phones as long as possible and I planned on replacing my iphone 6 in the next several months.

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There were some CDN issues today for sure – apologies! We have filed tickets with our CDN provider. So it’s not just you, if it was today!


That’s good to hear. Of course I am the only person on the forums that was having the problem. It started Thursday approx. 9:30 am and is still there. I hope the problem can be resolved or maybe it really is just me with a unique problem. I prefer to use the mobile version of this forum since I am on the go 5 days a week. well, either way, I am getting used to a laptop again. Thank you for replying.