Any word on this new version of Miracle?

It seems like they would put a ring through the nipple if they pierced it :rofl:

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aggressor did it first


i learned from brandon vu that the nubs help the axle sit in place when the aluminum is very thin. If the nubs are ā€œpiercedā€ then it must mean theā€™re isnt enough metal around the axle to keep it in place

The actual difference with a hub vs a flat cup is that it lets the yoyo use a longer axle which makes stripping less likely at the expense of weight distribution. Drilling through the cup used to be more common with older yoyos without hubs, technically itā€™s slightly more durable, but I think the main difference is its slightly easier for the manufacturer.


I picked it up at worlds, I believe the Kimā€™s listed them on their site. Did you have any questions about it?

I missed the how does it play part, it plays heavier than a shutter elite, but similar at least to the Al version of the og miracle, its wider and I assume itā€™s better for catching the crazy hook combos that mir does.


The above is incorrectā€¦

The ā€˜belowā€™ is correctā€¦


Wow thats quite heavy, wonder if it feels slow

Iā€™ll play with it over the next few days and let you know

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I think miri used the normal miracle
I saw mirs miracle had the aluminum on the rim. I was right next to the stage.

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Ah yes youā€™re right, my bad.