Any thoughts on ZGRT Qi?

Anyone got opinions on the Qi? I’m sure it’s pretty fast at 62g, but does it have that rim-weighted sluggishness? I’ve been looking for something agile, and it looks intriguing.


@Albertino can better explain… but the Qi is great. Its is deff agile and speedy enough for me. You can check out what @Albertino can do with it on IG and you can see the Qi getting out through its pace.


I was going to say the same thing. I’ve havent played one yet but I’ve seen @Albertino shred one many times. He would be the guy to ask.

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He’s basically the only one I’ve seen anything about the Qi from on the forum; it’s clearly not holding him back! Not sure if it’d be to my tastes though, as I don’t generally like especially rim-weighted yoyos (even on monos like the Gravitony).

Sorry guys, had an hectic weekend, we adopt a cat and we building trust with her so I was playing and feeding and cuddling and playing with yoyo strings with her lol

About the Qi, you can see a lot around written by me, is one of the yoyos I used the most.

Honestly the yoyo is quite light itself so there is basically no rim weight to it, I feel that the weight is properly distributed around the yoyo, while I play that’s how I feel it, even throwing it it feels like you throwing a solid light piece and it goes down smoothly, so do not worry about sluggishness, I do not like that feeling as well.

For some people can be a bit small in diameter but I found it comfy on my busy string combos and slacks, the diameter it does super help to catch the strings everywhere. The yoyo is quite balanced as well, I think it give it’s best on string tricks, the shape as well is very rejection friendly and is very comfy on the hand.

I would say to go for it, as you can see on my Instagram I have more or less one year of combos filmed with that every week, it does work great and is easy to manouvre.

The only problem is to find one around, I seen not long ago it was sold out everywhere


Thank you very much, Mr. Qi Aficianado! If I can find one, I think I’ll give it a try :slight_smile: