Any one in mi( Detroit area)

Is there anyone in the mi area near Detroit?


Is Toledo, Ohio close enough? ;D

Lots of players in Plymouth Mi

I’m in Detroit!

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Detroit-Detroit or Metro Detroit? :laughing:

I’m in the Rochester Hills area but I tell everyone I live in Detroit because it makes me sound cooler.


Rochester Hills is pretty far throw from Detroit! Lol

Then again, most people who aren’t from Michigan probably wouldn’t know it. So, Detroit would be the closest place they would know!

I work in Detroit, I live in a burb about 10 minutes south of it.
It’s an easier commute than when I lived in the city near WSU.

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I’m like 20 minutes south of Detroit in Monroe


Nice! I’ve participated as an artist/ vendor a few times at the Monroe art and jazz festival


I’m in NW Ohio, so fairly close.


Like Toledo close?
I frequent the Toledo. Mostly for the museum of art. Even though the DIA is closer I like the size of TMA it’s more manageable and it’s just a cool place to chill.


I grew up in Toledo - sounds like we need to have a meetup or something!
I know there’s a club in Plymouth, but I’m typically not able to attend, so it would be cool to get something else started.


Yup, in Toledo itself. Once 'rona becomes less of an issue I’d be down to meet up with some of you fine YYE folks.

EDIT: And yeah, big ups to the TMA. Not usually much of an art guy, but I enjoyed my visit there. Haven’t been up to the DIA though.


I’m down for the meet ups and things.

Also, curious about this club in Plymouth
Is it like a FB group or do they have regular meet ups?


We haven’t been to TMA or DIA since we had our baby and now with Covid, can’t wait to get back to both of them!
And yeah they meet up every week on Thursday night, though not sure what the schedule is like now with everything going on. You can find the group on FB it’s something like “downtown plymouth yoyo club”


I can’t imagine. Kids are so much work.
my cousin had a preme baby right after lock down. They kicked the mom out of the hospital and kept the baby for quite awhile! It was unbelievable.

Thanks For the info! I’m going to have to check that out

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