All sold, please close

Prices include shipping in the US. Please send FF or add enough to cover fees. If you have any questions please reach out! Willing to work out deals on bundles.

Coreco Alleycat 650b - blue - played, but no obvious dings - [SOLD]

SF Bliss - gray - small marks on rims. Has a little vibe, but does not affect spin time/play. - [SOLD]

SF SF - Maroon (Seh-Bee edition)- played but no obvious dings. Very smooth. - [SOLD]

CLYW Sasquatch - orange - OG version. Has a few dings/scratches and a little bit of old clyw vibe. Plays fantastic. - [TRADED]


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Bump. Sasquatch still available!

Bump. Grab the Sasquatch for $60 shipped.

Bump. Mailing everything Wednesday morning. Sasquatch for $60 shipped until then. Someone please snag, I don’t need two lol.

Man, orange just ain’t my color or I’d pursue.

For anyone reading this, the OG Sasquatch is amazing


I got to throw this specific one, as @Tightwheel9 lives in my neck of the woods. I’m honestly surprised by how great this yoyo plays. I didn’t expect it just based on the look of the yoyo.

It would already be mine if life didn’t have a chokehold on my wallet at the moment. Someone should definitely grab this ‘squatch!