Alchemy CU FS/FT LF: Mighty flea, ETC... ADDED: B-grade DV888

Hey guys, I got an Alchemy CU recently. I like it, but it’s too easy. It’s like playing a normal throw. It doesnt feel especially small. Surprisingly playable for the tiny size. Missing the eye completly on one side and mostly on the other side. Comes with a Konkave and only one pad (with two pads its responsive, came to me with only one pad). No dings or scratches of any kind I can find. It, unlike almost all other metals, is made with stainless steel. These babies aren’t made any more, so if you want one, you gotta get it here. Has a tiny vibe, less than a YYJ and you cant really feel it on the string. On grinds it is noticible, but CU’s werent meant for major grindage any ways, right!!! 35 OBO

Next is a DV888. This thing is a B-grade, only anno defects. Plays like a normal DV888. Looking for 40, mostly trading for this one though. PM me for pics. Dark green hard coat anno. Normal production, Factory stickers on the sides. PENDING!!
Mighty flea
35 bucks
long shot but…
Train Wreck

Thanks guys,

Edit:pics of the DV888 added, scroll down!



If you ship to Kuwait.
I’m highly interested.

I’d love to, but you would have to pay the shipping. I checked it and it will be around 85 bucks. Sorry!!

No worries, I can get it from someone else for like, half that shipped :smiley:



In American thats bump! ;D

haha im interested in the dv888 but i live in singapore :’(

Can I see some pics of the DV888

Here are the pics of the DV888!

35 shipped for the 888?