A bearing perspective

btw i just want to point out that i always love when yoyodoc decides to grace us with his knowledge on the threads, i always know i am going to learn something or get a good outlook on a topic. If your new to the threads i highly suggest you listen to what he has to say.

We aren’t encouraging anyone to play around with chemicals, but to use them in a situation they are pretty much meant for.
Bear with me, I’m going to quote myself. Haha.

Copied from the internet<>

Too Long. Didn’t Read.

Frequently used acronym by lazy, ignorant people in Internet Forums, where their urge to type something exceeds their ability to read something or if they generally lack semantic ability to either comprehend or respond to a post due to underdeveloped brain.

Stating that they were to lazy reading someone else’s post just confirms the ignorant attitude and also often destroys the discussion in the thread.

The average IQ of people typing TLDR in Internet forums is about 64.
The average

^^^ They must know you , lol

Happy New Year


Posts like that don’t make you seem very smart yoyodoc.

Do many smart people spend time calling others dumb? I don’t believe so.

Let me clarify my point now with a rediculous comparison. Your post is a car. It’s a ford pinto. I’m a truck that rear-ends you at a stoplight. Boom.

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Realize that the quote I pasted about the TLDR; was copied from the Internet. Those words were not mine. I just found it amusing how others view people that use that acronym on Internet Forums.

I don’t have to Validate your hostile ignorance.

Your own posts bury you.

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While doc could have used a little more lube in his response, he is still correct. Nobody cares that you can’t take the time to read a few paragraphs. Keep it to yourself if you think its too long.

I obviously read his post, I could read quickly at a young age.

I was making fun of the book he wrote about nothing. I mean he really thinks it’s okay to buy a 650 dollar yoyo that comes with a junk bearing? There’s no justification for that. And you guys treat him as an authority… There’s nothing wrong with having problems with the bearing a yoyo was shipped with. If yoyo doc was right AT ALL yoyos wouldn’t ship with bearings.

^ I don’t think it’s obvious that you read his post, because you wrote TLDR in response, and you seem to have missed his point. He didn’t write a book about nothing, he made a very valid point.

He never stated that there is “nothing wrong with having problems” with a stock bearing. He simply stated that it’s not the big deal people make it out to be. No one should be stating that they got a “bad yo-yo” if they didn’t even bother to troubleshoot the bearing, before drawing that conclusion.

He is stating that if you buy enough yo-yos, you will occasionally receive a yo-yo with a defective bearing. It’s just a fact. And, because it’s a known fact, you should have more than one bearing on hand, so that you can immediately switch out and enjoy your new yo-yo, without feeling crippled and unable to play a new yo-yo due to a bad bearing.

I agree with him, that if people are prepared for the inevitable, they will whine less, and give more accurate reviews of yo-yos. In other words, be prepared, have necessary yo-yo accessories on hand, and you can always deal with a bad bearing later. Personally, I fool around with them later, and if they don’t work right in anything, I throw them in the garbage. No big deal. I don’t email the yo-yo company, or mention it here, it’s just “oh well.” That’s why I keep a few extras on hand.

Agreed; your writing “TLDR” (forgetting the semicolon even!) was an overt statement that you did NOT read his post.

You as a truck compared to Doc’s pinto… it’ll be a cold day in hell before that analogy even approaches being an appropriate one. :wink:

Regarding the bearings—

  • OD 10-balls play great out of the box… for 10 minutes. I love that bearing, but it needs attention in short order.

  • Ceramic bearings are not the be-all end-all. I have a full-ceramic bearing that isn’t even installed in a yoyo right now, plus a hybrid that’s in a lesser-used yoyo. The benefit of not having to lube (even though there’s no rule against it despite Terrapin’s assurances that it’s bad m’kay) is heavily overshadowed by the fact that an unlubed ceramic or hybrid is loud and not smooth. Yuk.