9/8 CLYW and sidefx ADDED -- Ti, A-RT, OD, and other hobbies!

Prices are in USD and don’t include shipping/pp fees. Turnaround times range anywhere from 1-10 days, rep thread in my bio. Extra pics are to show damage or unique features of the throw. Discounts on multiples, trades accepted (collectible/nostalgic/painted throws pls <3 (or a canvas!!!))

The throws:
CLYW Glacier Express in Yogi – mint: 250
CLYW Chief in ??? (Help me out if you know pls) – fingernail vibe beater: $150

Clear ul: $10
Clear/gunmetal flatcap: $12
Blue powerrrrr: sold
Clear markmont: $35

Brass markmont: sold
Brass dome: $30
Brass flatcap: $30
Brass code1: sold
Brass spike: sold

Duncan Ti Freehand – MIB: 180
BBB yoyo – mint: 20 or free over 150 (just tell me u want it!)
Japan Tech Kagerou unknown edition – gone

A-RT Life Painted - Mint in the painted box package this release came in, priced since this is the exact throw used to demonstrate this run of painted life’s on a-rt’s insta: 300 A Return Tops on Instagram: "Nibs are pissing me off so I have to brush up on my brush work. Here’s V2 with brush instead of nib."

A-RT D7 – Mint in package: 100
One Drop Wyvern in chameleon cerakote – Mint in box: 100

YYF Bluestar G5–beat af: offer (my first premium throw, hella nostalgic to me, will probs keep)
One Drop Clear Karamaiju – mib: 40 with original sidefx
One Drop YYE Parlay – two dings and one anno burn: 80 with ultralights, 110 with yye flatcaps

Modded ENSO FHZ in midnight purple – mint, sili recess, balanced and one of the smoother fhz’s youll ever play: 100
Duncan Extreme Spin Freehand Zero – mint in unopened package, took me forever to even see one in the wild, in the beautiful bionic colourway (not the modern one that is just gray and glittery, the OG with the lovely resin-y swirls: offer
ThrowDown Matador Dyed and Modded – Modded so it won’t explode, unfortunately introduces a gap in the bearing. Still, interesting player from a very interesting company, which unfortunately went out of business because of this release. Offer

The non-throws
Assorted Kendamas - $? or free w/ purchase over $150

Ducky One 2 SF One of Zero Iodine Ltd Edition w/ 67g Zilents V2 Silent Tactile Switches - $175

Beethan Pork had his surgery and is back to normal!


Ari Sold :slight_smile:


Bump $300 for a wunder is kinda nuts actually I love mine very much and it’s well worth retail. @JEA86 scoop this bro


Yep, issa steal :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Chief sold!


Got it out!

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I am bad at using this forum.
I ghink i sent you a pm on posdible trades for the Wunder

If it didn’t go through i apologize

Hit me up if interested


bbiimpp gravty gone

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Hey, Ivan. I noticed you bumped this thread, but you haven’t responded to my PM yet so I will try to contact you here. Have you shipped the axle for the Chief that I bought from you? It’s been 17 days since I messaged you about not receiving the axle, and I haven’t heard from you or received the axle. If you could confirm if and when it was shipped, and provide a tracking number if you have it, I would appreciate it. Thank you.


Hey! Yes I have shipped it, no there’s no tracking. Hope it makes it to you safe :slight_smile:


Hey, it’s been 10 days since I bought the Gravity and I haven’t heard a peep from you. What gives?

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Going through his profile he has done this a bunch recently, making buyers panic with no communication for awhile but every instance he has came through.

Lack of communication for so long is unacceptable but his track record shows that he will make sure you get the yo-yo or a refund.


Thank you for the reassurance, I don’t mind late shippers as I can be as well, but a reply when prompted should always be given. A simple “I’ve just been caught up with work” is enough for me.


100%. I was losing my mind the other week when I asked someone if they shipped my package out and all they did was like my message. It’s a bit annoying that yye allows you to see when someone was active a couple hours ago and ignored you lol.


Yes, stuff pops up and doesn’t go according to plan and it piles on top of my neverending anxiety. I know I should address something and it would only take a few moments but get even more anxious about disappointing people’s expectations on turnaround so I avoid it entirely.

Hope y’all understand, and if you’re dissatisfied with my service then reach out and I’ll do whatever it takes to make it right so you’re happy with the sale/trade.


That’s an absolutely awful excuse for not answering for 10 days and doesn’t even make sense.

You ask him to reach out if they aren’t satisfied while also saying you won’t answer because it gives you too much anxiety when you dissatisfied someone

You shouldn’t be selling stuff online if it gives you anxiety


Just heard from him with the tracking number!


Did you want me to lie and come up with something that better validates your prejudices? I’m not asking to be excused, I get how I react is the worst way to go about things, I am trying to get better. I’m not saying that selling/buying yoyos is the root cause to my issue, but sometimes the simplest things can seem daunting. But to tell me not to engage in my hobby or the community I love the most as a result seems unfair, no?


Im not saying lie but at what point should we say this isn’t allowed?

Theres at least 3 people since august who had to make a post to get you to ship or give them a tracking number

Seems a bit unfair that people have to jump through hoops to get you to respond.

Gives me terrible anxiety when I just sent 300+ to someone and can’t get then to answer me.

I refresh my computer, phone , tablet for days just waiting for a response from someone who is too scared to talk to me but not scared enough to take my money? pretty unfair. Just think about the person you’re selling to


I get that, there are plenty of times when I get these sorts of messages after the throws have already been shipped. I’ll put a disclaimer that my turnaround time might be closer to a week or something for the future, I wrote out the above for people to understand where I’ve been for the last little while.

I appreciate your criticism and I understand where you’re coming from, and I’m working towards not letting things like this happen in the future.


I think most people on here are reasonable and will have no problem with a quick disclaimer that you might take a week or so. it’s all about being open and honest and the buyer will feel assured. Your track record shows that you have been a great person to deal with for 98% of your sales. I really appreciate you taking my criticism and thinking about improving. If what I said made you feel like I was minimizing your anxiety, I apologize. I know how debilitating anxiety can be and I hope you can find a way to deal with it.