888 (09') K pad size???

What is the K-pad size for my 888?

It is a 09’ 888, aqua, the one that says eight eight eight on the rim.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t it only the the 07 888 that said “eight eight eight” on the rim?
The original 07 888 had wide flowable silicone response area, so it might fit PGM pads, I’m not sure.

The 09 888 uses slim pad.

Is your 888 a small bearing or a large bearing ??? If it’s a large bearing get 888 size pads on this site or get some shinwoo p-pads it’s what I use. If it’s a small bearing get some small bearing K-Pads on this site.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Its large bearing. I bought it from Mattsk8nike(yo!itsmatt). He said it was an 09 888

If it’s a large bearing you should buy 888 size pads or shinwoo p-pads at yoyonation.com or flowable sili I personally haven’t tried putting sili yet cause my p-pads still haven’t worn off and still binds pretty nicely and I have them for about 5 to 6 months ;D

You want the “888 Size”.  I prefer the yellow ones personally.