3A Tuts...

Does anybody have a good site to learn 3A yoyo tricks (besides youtube)? YYE doesn’t seem to have any…

as soon as i find my camera charger I will be doing AAA tutorials on my youtube channel, soufang.
I will tell you when

CyberYo has a good amount to get you started.

The problem with him is that you haave to read. what to do and his vids are skeptical. I will be shooting one video per trick and explaining how to do it with my VOICE

http://yo-yo.org/drewtetz/ Is helpful. Its text tutorials with supplemental videos.

I’m not sure what you mean by “skeptical,” but I find tutorials with text description to be more detailed and explanatory than spoken tutorials, because it’s difficult to remember all the details you want to mention as you’re filming. But definitely go for making some tutorials, the more the merrier.

I am going to be making a few 3A tutorials soon.

I wish Masaya sans site was still around, it had tons of 3A tuts from basic to advanced to concepts videos, everything 3A in one huge site.

Sadly, Masaya quit and the site expired. T.T